Common Causes of Squint Eye in Children and Adults

Dr Birendra Jha
2 min readJun 7, 2024

Understanding Squint Eye

Squint eye, also known as strabismus, is a condition where the eyes do not align properly. One eye may turn in, out, up, or down while the other looks straight ahead. This misalignment can affect vision and depth perception, making early detection and treatment crucial.

Common Causes in Children

1. Genetics: A family history of strabismus increases the likelihood of a child developing the condition.

2. Refractive Errors: Uncorrected farsightedness (hyperopia) can cause the eyes to turn inward.

3. Muscle Imbalance: Imbalances in the muscles controlling eye movement can lead to misalignment.

4. Medical Conditions: Premature birth, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome are associated with higher rates of strabismus.

Common Causes in Adults

1. Stroke: A stroke can damage the nerves controlling eye muscles, leading to strabismus.

2. Head Injury: Trauma to the head can affect eye muscle control and alignment.

3. Diabetes: Diabetic neuropathy can impact the nerves controlling eye muscles.

4. Thyroid Eye Disease: This condition can cause the eye muscles to swell and affect their function.

Importance of Early Diagnosis

Early diagnosis of strabismus is crucial to prevent long-term vision problems such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and impaired depth perception. Regular eye exams can help detect strabismus early, allowing for timely and effective treatment. Prioritize your eye health and seek the best eye care in Indore to ensure clear and aligned vision.

Strabismus, or squint eye, can significantly impact vision and quality of life. Understanding the common causes in both children and adults is the first step towards effective treatment. For those seeking expert care, consulting a squint specialist in Indore at a renowned eye care centre ensures access to advanced treatment options and comprehensive care.



Dr Birendra Jha

At Indore India Eye Care Center, Dr. Birendra Jha has been offering the best possible eye treatments for a better vision.